CHANGE chairs use IRS technology
IRS technology protects personnel and equipment in the healthcare sector
The applications for adjusting nursing and hospital equipment are becoming increasingly powerful, and thus the risk of damaging both the application and other equipment in the event of a collision also increases. Linak has developed a new intelligent ratchet spline technology to avoid this..
LINAK has introduced a completely new system function; Intelligent Ratchet Spline also called IRS™. In the same way as the traditional technologies – mechanical or electric spline – the purpose here is also to minimize damage to equipment and increase safety.
Intelligent systems with LINAK® IRS™
With the traditional spline functions, the actuator is able to exert a pressure. The function is used in adjustable care and hospital equipment to increase safety and the function is activated when the movement function is prevented. This could be, for example, if something blocks a backrest that the application needs to set. The actuator interrupts the pulling function, so that objects cannot get caught.
The new ratchet spline combined with an intelligent control box – an IRS system – allows defining how the system should react when an obstacle is detected. The function is built into the CHANGE chair’s high/low motor and control box. In this way, with the customized software, you can minimize the risk of damage to the application, the object in the way, or the healthcare staff – or avoid the risk altogether.